Understanding The Common Types And Causes Of Eczema- By: Oscar B Dewsbury

Description : When first diagnosed with eczema, it is only natural to wonder what caused it in the first place. Many may make the incorrect assumption that we caught the disease from another person. The truth is that eczema is in no way contagious, and so it is impossible for it to be transmitted between people. The actual cause of a case of eczema is a little more complicated, because not all cases of the condition are the same. Also, eczema is a problem that we are yet to fully understand, and so a direct cause cannot always be identified.

Some cases of eczema are the result of coming into contact with a certain substance that irritates your skin, and thus causes rashes of eczema to flare up. This type of eczema is referred to as contact irritant dermatitis. The solution to this form of eczema is largely going to be preventative. You need to identify what it is that caused the irritation to your skin, and stop using it.

Another common form of eczema is called atopic dermatitis, and it is this type of the condition that is not fully understood. Some common schools of thought on what brings about a case of atopic eczema are that it is an hereditary disorder, that it is the result of an allergic reaction, and that it stems from within our own immune system.

Unfortunately, if eczema truly is hereditary then there is little that can be done about it, other than using medications and treatments to soothe the symptoms. Inheriting an allergic reaction to something is not uncommon though, and if one of your parents suffered an allergic reaction to a certain food or substance then this could give you a clue as to your own allergies. If you do manage to discover something you are allergic to that is triggering your eczema, eliminate it from your diet or environment immediately.

The theory that eczema has its causes rooted in the immune system is supported by the results seen in the use of immune system suppressing treatments. Although these do look like a promising way of dealing with the problem, they still don't address what has gone wrong in the first place. Some of these medications can have their side effects too, so it is always important to talk to your doctor before using them.

Given that the cause of eczema does seem to stem from the immune system, some people believe the problem can be remedied without dangerous immune system suppressing drugs. Nutritionists in particular will proclaim the benefits of a healthy diet for just about any ailment, and the damage you can do to your body by constantly eating unhealthy food.

Considering that many of us don't get the proper nutrition our bodies need, due to the demands of modern life meaning we eat too much convenience food, there could be some truth to this. Not only does a lot of the food we eat contain little nutrition, but it also contains chemical additives too. With the combination of too many chemical toxins in the body along with insufficient nutrition, is it any wonder our bodies sometimes have adverse reactions?

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Learn more about what really triggers your eczema, and find out if treating eczema at home will really work.